mobile detailing services

Get all of our great detailing services for your interior and exterior right at home, work, or on the go.

Don't let your busy schedule keep your from getting the clean vehicle you deserve. We offer all of our basic detailing services right from our mobile van. Whether you work an odd shift, have kids, work responsibilities, etc. We can get you covered without the inconvenience.

✓ Deep cleans and maintenance details
✓ Stain removals
✓ Pet hair removals
✓ Headliner cleaning
✓ Ozone and odor removal

✓ Full exterior details
✓ Deep wheel cleanings
✓ Decontamination and ceramic sealant applications (3-6 month protection)
✓ Minor scratch and scuff removals
✓ Headlight restorations

Why choose us?

Let PIPS Ohio Detailing bring your car, truck, or SUV back to life with our mobile detailing services. Our mobie van contains all the necessary tools and equipment to get your vehicle looking great. We bring the shop right to you! No water required, no power required. Just hand off your keys and get back to what you were doing. When we're finished up we will send you a text and have you give it your stamp of approval before taking off to serve our next client. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, and if we can't provide adequate service, you keep your money in your pocket.

✓ Top quality products and techniques
✓ Transparent quoting and pricing process
✓ Industry leading customer service and care

Book your mobile service, or check out our other service options like ceramic coatings and paint corrections. Let us show you the PIPS way, and you'll never look back.

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detail or $50 off a Ceramic Coating Package!

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